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The Methodology

Based on the EurOMo database of opinion-shaping news media owners in all EU countries. Data from AT, BE, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FI, GR, HU, IT, LT, NL, PT, SE and SI reflect the situation on 31st May 2022. Data from BG, CY, EE, FR, HR, IE, LU, LV, MT, PL, RO and SK reflect the situation on 30th April 2023.

Cross-country media companies

Interactive visualisations of cross-border media ownership of the companies Bertelsmann/RTL, MFE/Mediaset, DPG Media Group, PPF Group, Axel Springer, Bonnier and the US-American investiment fund BlackRock.

Country reports

Reports by national teams with an analysis of media ownership conditions in their countries. Each report includes an interactive visualisation of the most relevant media operating in the country and their owners.

Risk assessment

Comparison of EU countries regarding risks to media ownership transparency in six areas (ownership structure, management, economic control, relations, distribution and public policy).